Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V.

non-profit organization with charitable commitments

Keine Mauer durch Sarajevo Working together to help!

– “No wall through Sarajevo” – Berliner Appell: Keine Mauer durch ! 23.7.1993 We became humanitarian activists and learned to network and to lobby for humanitarian actions that help and change the situation on the ground. In 1993 we convinced the Berlin Parliament to support our initiative “No Wall through Sarajevo”. We received an office in the premises of Berlin’s Alternative List in Kreuzberg with two phones. Two jobs were sponsored by the local parliamentarians of Alternative Liste and by the federal and the EU parliament delegates of the Die Grünen/Bündnis90. The mayors of all districts of Berlin called the population to give and to give and to give. Berlin’s police carried the goods with their transporters to Spandau. Deutsche Post supplied us with thousands of standardized yellow packages. Bosnian Red Cross organized a hall in Spandau and dozens of refugees from Bosnia from asylum homes began to sort humanitarian goods. German Bundeswehr drove the ready-made packages to the U.S. air force base in Frankfurt/Main. International air force carried it by air to the NATO air force base Aviano, Italy, and parachuted the humanitarian aid into enclosed pockets in Eastern Bosnia, especially to Maglaj and Tuzla. Pharmaceuts and doctors all over Germany collected medicine, with hired trucks we drove it down to Metkovic into the German humanitarian aid center, forwarded the goods guarded by refugees and German peace activists through the lines of the warring factions to Sarajevo, Middle Bosnia, Tuzla. Post-communists in the Berlin Parliament were excluded from our intiative “No Wall through Sarajevo”. So we connected them with the Socialist Workers’ Movement and supported their “Hellersdorf hilft Tuzla” initiative, which brought their trucks in the end into the beleaguered city of Tuzla. Activists: Fazlagic, Jasna Malkoc, Ronni …
